Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Remedy of Gratitude

This morning I woke up to slippery roads and snow. I got all upset because since I am not the expert in driving in snow I prefer not to drive in snow. I was quite angry because the snow had once again upset my plans. Since we have moved to Maine in 2003, I have become to h.a.t. e. winter and any form of precipitation associated with winter. All I wanted to do was go home to Massachusetts where life was so much easier and less stress. I began to cry.

Let me explain crying is a normal part of my week. I am going through menopause and I usually have a couple of crying episodes per week. Usually they only last a couple of minutes before my mood changes to a happier one. This morning I felt like crying a little bit longer as I felt the sting of homesickness. I decided it was time to write in my gratitude journal. Boy was it hard to find gratitude through my stubborness. Finally the gratitude broke through.

What a relief! The gratitude changed my mood and lifted the heavy weight off my shoulders. Even the snow looked a little bit pretty. Gratitude lifted my spirit and dried my tears. What a wonderful remedy!


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