Saturday, November 3, 2007

A Kindness Garden

I have always loved the smell of fresh flowers growing in the spring. One of my favorite flowers is the sunflower. I love the way it brightens my day and lightens my soul. What if we could make our thoughts a garden? What would be the richest soil?

I would plant my thoughts in the rich soil of hope. Everytime weeds of fear or negativity would spring up I would spray them with droplets of love. My seeds of service would be nourished by tolerance and non judgement to others. Instead of pointing my finger I would reach out my hand and plant another seed of kindness. Soon buds of peace would begin to peak through the soil. The warmth of the sun would bathe the buds of peace in divine purity. Bouquets of unity would be made by the power of one hand reaching out to another. Soon the garden of kindness would be in full bloom of peace and ready to plant another garden in another field of hope.

Thoughts become things. Little acts of kindness become great acts of love. Mother Theresa once had a business card that read the fruit of hope is faith, the fruit of faith is love, the fruit of love is service and the fruit of service is peace. Let us all plant a seed of kindness in the soil of hope. Let us all reach out our hands and open our hearts to others. Unity begins in one hand. Peace begins in one heart.

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