Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Blessing of the Peppercorn Steak

I am probably on the lowest ladder of quality chefs. I can cook but boy do I make mistakes sometimes. Sometimes I think I wear a sign, "Burned Food Find Me". It would take a few months to write about my cooking mistakes so I will write about last night.

I wanted to cook my husband a nice steak. I started cooking the steak and realized I forgot to add the seasoning that he loves. Thinking I had the right seasoning, I opened the cap and poof half the container of peppercorn fell out onto the steak. Shocked, I stood there as the Ghost of Cooking Horror appeared to me. I started to shiver and tears filled up in my eyes.

When I finally got my focus back I asked God to help me save the steak. I immediately felt His presence. As I calmed down I began to remove the peppercorn from the steak. By the Grace of God the steak was saved! I was able to clean off the peppercorn, reseason the steak and cook it in a different pan. I thought about the wonderful, loving husband I had. I thought about how after every meal he says thank you, even the burned ones! Tears began to fill my eyes again. This time they were tears of blessings and joy. I thanked God for bringing me the perfect man; a man that could even put up with my cooking horrors.

Katherine Mikshenas
Editing and Writing Services


Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

such a sweet, sweet post

Bonnie W said...

Tell me about cooking horrors! In August, Dan and I were celebrating our anniversary in a nearby town when our car was rear-ended. It caused a slight concussion for me and for about 2 weeks afterwards I couldn't even cook without burning anything because I couldn't mentally focus on what I was doing, even if I stood right by the stove! My bruised brain just wouldn't work right.

But God was so good and my husband patiently encouraged me. Most of the meals were edible at least LOL!Thankfully I am feeling much better now.

I am so glad you were able to salvage the steak.Bless you for making me smile and encouraging my heart today.