Friday, August 22, 2008

A Time of Celebration

My daughter leaves in one week for college! The past couple of weeks have been a time of roller coaster emotions. One minute I am happy for her and the next minute I am filled with tears and feeling overwhelmed. I will miss her terribly but this is her time to live her life and be happy.

My daughter and I have always been very close. This summer we have gotten even closer. I know this will not change. I have enjoyed all our talks and all the things we have done together. It is an honor to be in her presence. She is such a beautiful person, inside and out. Her heart is full of pure love, free of judgment and full of optimism. Although my eyes fill with tears, I will remember the glow of happiness on her face. I will celebrate her beauty and celebrate this time.

Dear Heavenly Father, Give all parents the strength to let go of our children. Help us to place the trust of their well being into your hands. Help us to remember that your angels surround them and You hold them in the palm of your hands. They are shielded with your love and under the protection of Your wings. Let us remember that this is a time of celebration for the beautiful people they have become and will grow to be. Hold us Lord and hold our children close to your heart, forever in Your precious love, in the precious name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Katherine Mikshenas


Unknown said...

This post touched me deeply. My daughter is only three years old, and it seems like an eternity is ahead of us before she leaves for college and her own life, but as we all know, we blink and years pass. Like you, my little girl and I are very close, and I feel that she is absolutely the best person I know!
I met your daughter years ago when she was just 6 or 7, and my impression of her then was that she was such a sweet, pure spirit! I thank God and I thank YOU for adding such beautiful people to this world.
May God continue to bless you!
Christine Williams Hupper
Melrose, MA

Katherine Mikshenas said...


God bless you! Your love for your daughter glows and shimmers in the eyes of God. Embrace each moment. Capture the beauty. Capture the joy. Thankyou for being you and blessing each of us with your presence. May you be blesssed with all things good.